Novo group was established in January 2008 as a subsidiary division company of the Egyptian American company which was established in January of 1993 by Dr. Elsayed AbdelMaksoud, the Egyptian American Company chose import to be its main business line. Bringing to Egypt well established brand names & high quality products compatible with the Egyptian market and satisfying the needs of consumers.
Being successful in its business in Egypt the company went into the distribution business as well to ensure best market coverage and to reach it's widely spread consumer base.
With a wide spread network of imported products from the U.S.A, Canada, Japan, Italy, Brazil & Cyprus we felt the need for a new branch for the company…. And so "Maksoud Inc, U.S.A" (Now NOVO enterprises) was created.
In the U.S & Egypt the EAC established a wide spread network of clients and a large consumer base which reflected on the company's size & business portfolio.